William H. Powell's Discovery of the Mississippi by De Soto
Independent Study in Race, Racism, and Colonialism within the Judeo-Christian Ethic
Click here to view PDFs of all the readings below in Google Drive.
On this page are links to a selection of ASDIC readings on a common theme, for independent reading and reflection.
1. Rebecca Parker: The Terrain of Whiteness
2. James Cone: The Religious Cancer of Racism
3. The Church in the Context of Empire and Colonialism
4. The Doctrine of Discovery and Whiteness
5. Key Definitions: Antiracism, Racism, and Whiteness
6. Marks of a Colonial Context in Institutions
7. Colonizer-Colonized Mindset
8. Tactical and Strategic White Racial Knowledge
9. Diane Goodman: Costs of Oppression to People from Privileged Groups
10. Albert Memmi: The Colonizer and the Colonized
11. Lewin & Gandhi: Practical Inquiry and Reflection
12. A Sacred Conversation on Race: A Call to Koinonia Relationship