Antiracism Study Dialogue Circles and other trainings foster education, reflection, and action on racism. Many workshop participants say the experience is transformative—

“By providing more than an empathic awareness of the ills of racism, ASDIC equips participants with an advanced knowledge of racism and history, builds personal resilience, and encourages relationships to be developed and maintained. ASDIC is a means to make a difference by providing practical tools needed to enable us to eliminate racism.”

-ASDIC Circle participant

Your donation will allow us to continue to offer ASDIC’s unique antiracism trainings in our community and beyond. This work thrives because of you! Thank you.

Donate in one of the following ways:

1. Make a one-time donation or become a sustaining donor by making a monthly donation

2. Send a check or cash to this mailing address:

PO Box 984
Prior Lake, MN 55372

We are an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 82-1156889.