Workshop Title: Cross-Cultural Communication & Inclusivity

Workshop Objectives:

  • To experience the varying ways we imagine, perceive, and interpret given differences in personal and collective experiences mediated by language, culture, and history.

  • To identify the complex factors of social location, psychology (intentions, needs, pre-definitions), and understanding of the setting (nature of the event, significance of the activity) influencing a person’s orientation toward a communication event.

  • To appreciate the complexity of cross-cultural communication given widely different orientations toward a communication event where those in communication are from different societies (different language and cultural communities).

Date: May 3 & 10 from 6:30-9pm CST, on zoom
Cost: $140, you can pay online directly below or you can send a check to (ASDIC ) PO Box 984, Prior Lake, MN 55372.
Please email us to confirm that your check is in the mail -

Additional Information: No one is turned away for lack of funds. The actual cost of the workshop is $140*, with option to pay-as-able. Sliding scale amounts are also available. If you need a reduced fee or an extended payment plan, please contact us at